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LS Communication Server or Service - OnGuard 2013

 LS Communication Server: This service is used to allow the hardware in the system to communicate with the database and the client stations.

The LS Communication Server can be running as the LS Communication Server service or as an application in the foreground:
- To start the LS Communication Server service, start it from Windows Services.

- To run the LS Communication Server as an application, click the Start button, and then select All Programs > OnGuard > Service and Support > Communication Server:
The Communication Server will running on foreground, you can check in Tray icon. Right click the icon tray to open Communication Server.

What happen if this service didn't starting?
If this service didn't starting you can't monitor or connect to the hardware in Alarm Monitoring and will appear error like this:

- Error while running the service LS Communication Server 
- Error while running the Communication Server as application.

If you find the problem like this, It is happen because the communication server didn't close perfectly. For fix this problem, please check and make sure the communication server close perfectly from windows task manager before you starting the service LS Communication or Communication Server:

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